Egypt Concerned Regarding Iran’s Existential Threat

egypt.jpgIran’s Muslim fundamentalist approach has many nations concerned, not just Israel. Included among the list is Egypt, and according to the local Egyptian media, Iran poses “an existential threat” to Egypt. The daily al-Ahram reports that Iran is near the abyss and may find itself in a similar situation as did Saddam Hussein in Iraq, totally isolated, even from other Arab states.

Reports add that Egyptian officials made the decision to arrest Hizbullah operatives in Egypt after realizing they are a part of the Iranian threat, working under orders from Tehran. The state-run media further explains the Hizbullah terrorists operating in Egypt were hoping to upset the day-to-stay stability that exists by perpetrating attacks, posing a threat to the Sunni Muslims as the Shiite influence continues spreading throughout Egypt.

The daily al-Quds al-Arabi on the other hand reported on Monday that the establishment run media’s obsession with Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah since the recent uncovering of the terror operation in Egypt has had quite the opposite impact. Internet forums and non-state-run media are reporting a noticeable increase ‘in the streets’ for Hizbullah and Nasrallah.

Seeking to counter this, Egyptian officials are now turning to prominent religious leaders to adopt an increasingly vocal and noticeable position to win over the masses in the war against Hizbullah.

Egyptian officials about ten days ago arrested 49 Hizbullah terrorists who were planning a series of major attacks in Egypt. Following the arrests the media reported a number of attacks on the scale of the Mumbai terror attack were prevented as a result of the apprehension of the terrorists. The main objective of the terrorists was to strike in Cairo, with Egyptian officials reporting the terrorists rented a building and they were busy staking out potential targets in the Egyptian capital.

Unconfirmed reports quoted in the daily Yisrael HaYom add one of the targets was the Israeli Embassy in Cairo.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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