Yeshiva Bochrim Dehydrate During Hike

669.jpgThe Arad search & rescue team was called into action on Monday afternoon after it was learned five yeshiva bochrim lost their way during a nature hike and were unable to make their way back. The rescuers responded to Ein Namar in the Nachal Tzeilim area and provided first treatment and the five were extricated by a rescue team on a military chopper, the air force’s elite ‘669’ unit.

One of the hikers was reportedly unconscious due to dehydration and the group was transported by Soroka Medical Center in the chopper.

The incident comes shortly after Gedolei HaDor Shlita reiterated their annual request for bochrim to avoid hikes which distance them from their learning and lead to unfortunate results in many cases, as was reported on YWN .

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. torahis1
    Mind the cynisism but, aren’t you aware that (Israeli) yeshiva bochurim know EVERYTHING, you can’t teach them anything. Every year we have a korban the week after Pesach.
    I know that Mir (at least used to) organizes tiyulim.
    Maybe an outright issur by the Gedolim will finally put an end to this madness.

  2. To Torahis1 is commentator #1

    Please get this straight: NOBODY BANNED TIYULIM.
    Not Reb Eliyashev Shlita. Not Reb Shteinmen.
    Critical reading is required if you intend to criticize.

    If you look at the previous post and read it well you will see the error of your comment.

    Please re-read the following sentence:

    “The Gedolei HaDor Shlita commend those who adhere to their warning and distance themselves from the dangers, urging talmidim to exercise caution.”

    What more can our Torah leaders do. They pleaded for caution. Do you really expect Reb Eliyashiv shlita to give tiyul lessons?

    It is the BOCHURIMS responsibility to act with caution ESPECIALLY after they were warned to use CAUTION.


  3. Is it really such a danger to take a half hour before Pesach and invite a guy from chevra lehaganat hateva in to give some safety tips?

  4. GO ON HIKES and see the BEAUTY of ERETZ YISROEL, with an experienced GUIDE, proper supplies, adequate clothing, maps, cell phones and the stamina for such a tiyul.

  5. Torahis1
    Leyder, you still do not get it.

    I too was once upon a time a wild bochur. Yet in my day, bochurim did not die b’h on tiyullim.
    Sunburned yes. Dead no. Why?

    I do not know the answer. But one thing I know is
    the fact that rabbonim took time to address this issue and advise bochurim to be extra cautious when going on tiyullim should open their seychel that in todays day and age seychel is a teyereh zach and they should be more cautious.

    This is not irresponsible of the Rabbonim. On the contrary it is commmendable.

    If a bochur does not understand that Rabbonim are not their mammy’s and if the Rabbonim took the time to address this horrible problem of teiereh bochurim coming back from trips dead r’l that alone should give bochur pause to think that he is NOT indestructible, and they need proper hadracha from a professional if they are to go on risky tiyulim.

    It is the bochurims responsibility to find these professionals to advise them NOT OUR RABBONIM.

    Rabbonim can be me’orer. We must ACT on their advice.

    “Go talk to the grieving parents who lost their sons last year. I’m sure they’ll agree.”

    How do you know that they agree with you. Maybe they blame themselves H-shem yishmor.

    “They need proper hadracha”

    They are getting hadracha 101. Be cautious. That is aleph beis. Now for the nitty details go to a professional tiyul guy.

    Please, please, do not blame rabbonim for this.
    PS your latent rabbonim bashing does not pas for torahis1

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