Arab Mob Attacks Zaka Responders in Yerushalayim

zaka.jpgAn angry Arab mob attacked Zaka volunteers who were summoned to a call for a pedestrian down in Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood on Monday night. An Arab pedestrian in his 20s was struck and killed by a vehicle near Uzi Narkis Bridge. The volunteers report that upon their arrival on the scene, they were attacked by angry members of the victim’s family.

The incident occurred after 9:00pm. The victim was walking across the bridge when he was struck. Advanced life support resuscitation was implemented but ultimately, the physician on the scene pronounced the victim dead.

After police refused a request from family members to turn over the body, the angry crowd began pelting police and Zaka volunteers with rocks and other objects. Rav Bentzion Oring, a senior Jerusalem Zaka officer, was struck in his face and sustained significant eye trauma. Srulik Wertheimer, another Zaka volunteer, was also among the injured in the rock attack.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. A sick society with perverted understanding of human dignity – THE ARAB WORLD.
    French Hill is being taken over by rich Arabs who want to be on the correct side of the Green Line to benefit from all citizenship.
    ZAKA are the best & most dedicated around and need security from these…..!!! Maybe when Hadassah and Sharei Zedek sends their Arab patients back to the hospital in Jenin and Ramallah, a wake-up call will occur.

  2. Why was Zaka there?
    If Zaka were to mind its own business and stick to helping yidden they would be better off financially and otherwise.

  3. Nochamol,
    Can’t you read?!?!? it says “Zaka was summoned there”
    Why are you attacking Zaka anyway? They do chesed shel emes in the deepest way.

  4. Nochamol, thank you for your overwhelming Ahavas Yisroel and divrai Chizuk. Your care and concern for our dedicated volunteer’s health is overwhelming.
    For those who do care- B”H the update on Rav Bentzion Oring a world famous Yid Hatzadik is that he is recovering from his injuries and will I’h be ok.

  5. Obviously that crowd behaved like animals. (Pera odum) As usual biting the extended hand.
    But why did Zaka stick around. at the first refusal they should have left.

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