PM’s Staff Nixes Designated Senior Appointment by Ya’alon

Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya’alon was planning to appoint Naftali Bennet, 36, as the director-general of his office but according to a report appearing in the daily Yediot Achronot, the appointment was nixed by the prime minister. It is explained that Bennet is a senior advisor to Netanyahu, but he was dismissed due to his inability to get along with Mrs. Sara Netanyahu.

Bennet is a former exemplary officer from the prestigious Sayeret Matkal reconnaissance unit who joined the Netanyahu team after the Second Lebanon War.

According to a Yediot report, Netanyahu paid Bennet a salary increase from his own pocket but when Sara learned of the arrangement, she instructed him to dismiss him and even called on Bennet to return the money.

During the election campaign, Bennet headed Ya’alon’s campaign team and was the major candidate for the director-general slot. Senior aides to the prime minister informed Ya’alon that Mr. Netanyahu is not pleased with the appointment. When word reached Bennet, he withdrew his name as a candidate for the senior post.

Bennet refused to comment and the Prime Minister’s Office declined to respond. Ya’alon’s media advisor released a benign statement.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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