President Peres Filling in for PM Netanyahu to Buy Time

It appears that prior to his May meeting with US President Barak Obama, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not wish to announce his political agenda vis-à-vis talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority), the so-called ‘two state solution’ and other major issues. As such, the prime minister has requested that President Shimon Peres represent him in a number of appearances that will take place prior to the meeting with the US president, events that would compel Mr. Netanyahu to announce such diplomatic policies.

This would include an appearance at the annual AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) conference and meetings with a number of state leaders, including Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Aides to the prime minister confirm the report that Mr. Peres was requested to fill in, but officials in the President’s Residence are not willing to comment.

The prime minister on Sunday informed AIPAC officials he will not be attending the May 18th event.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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