Education Minister Implements Change – Visits to Jewish Sites

Seeking to instill Jewish identity and Zionism into students attending the nation’s public schools, Education Minister Gideon Saar announced that trips to sites including the Kosel, Yad Vashem and Ammunition Hill will be mandatory for students, not left to the discretion of schools. Other compulsory sites on the minister’s list of five include the Knesset and Supreme Court.

According to the ministry’s statistics, about 50% of all students never visit the capital and Saar is seeking to change this reality.

Among those praising the move is Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rav of the Kosel and holy sites, stating it is imperative to stress the link of the students of today with the history of the Jewish People, stating a visit to the Kosel is a major step in the right direction.

In another move to strive for excellence, Saar has called veteran ministry director-general Dr. Shimshon Shoshani, 72, back to active service, relying on him to to devise a curriculum that will restore Jewish values to the nation’s school system.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I hope Hevron is on that list too! Not only because of its obvious religious and national importance, but to teach chiloni students the truth about the holy residents of Hevron, i.e. that they are not “militant right-wing fanatics” the way the Israeli press portrays them, but G-d fearing Jews dedicated to building and safeguarding the Land of Israel who want only to be allowed to live in peace.

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