Beilin: Don’t Speak with Hamas

Former Meretz Party leader and cabinet minister Dr. Yossi Beilin is working to persuade European community leaders that it is not advantageous to open a dialogue with Hamas’ leaders.

Beilin, a major architect of the Geneva initiative feels met over the weekend with Spain’s foreign minister, Miguel Moratinos, explaining he feels there is no point is seeking a dialogue with Hamas.

He explained that Israel has made basic demands but to date, Hamas has remained unwilling to enter into a dialogue, a move that compels the terror organization to recognize Israel’s right to exist and to abandon terrorism as a means towards achieving its goals.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. BS”D
    Such a far-left liberal like Dr. Beilin expects others to listen to him after he went out of his way and bent over backwards to appease the enemy? His policies are ‘tail’ policies, not ‘head’ ones.
    If others don’t listen to him he’s getting a taste of his own medicine.
    ‘Mida KeNeged Mida.’

  2. Beilin worked with Abbas. Hamas is Abbas’s enemy.
    Beilin favors a largely secular Palestinian state, not an Islamic one.

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