PHOTOS: Delinquent Youths Attack Bnei Brak Shul on Shabbos

91.jpgPHOTO LINK BELOW: According to police reports, delinquent youths, known commonly in Eretz Yisrael as “shabavim”, on Shabbos vandalized Chanichei Yeshivas Chevron Shul located at 7 Bar Ilan Street in Bnei Brak. Sifrei kodesh were set ablaze, the paroches was removed from the Aron Kodesh and torn, clocks were smashed and other damage was reported.

In addition, police are investigating reports that tires were punctured on some 30 vehicles on Sokolov, Rav Stasur, Rav Kotler, Rav Blau and Rabbi Akiva Streets in Bnei Brak. Police request anyone whose vehicle was damaged to please file an official complaint by calling 03-610-4618. A special team of investigators has been appointed in light of the alarming incidents that occurred over the weekend.

A number of hours before Shabbos, a carpentry shop on Rav Herzog Street was torched. A major blaze resulted. Damage was significant but Baruch Hashem, there were no injuries. Police and fire marshals report that are certain the blaze was the result of arson, pointing out the fire pattern was in line with a blaze ignited with the use of a flammable substance.

There are growing concerns among Rabbonim and community leaders over the increase in incidents of violence and chilul Shabbos from these at-risk youths (as reported HERE on YWN).

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos. 

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. it’s easy for me to say, but I think some “shomrim” from america should head over there and guide them in establishing a good “Shomrim – Bnei Brak”. Enough is enough.

  2. This is horrible now is the time to act, BUILD A GYM equipped with ping pong tables, basketball hoops, pool tables and tons of exercise equipment (treads, stepmasters, bikes, weights). THese boys are crying out for attention, please give them some.

  3. These criminals are “crying out for attention” and “at risk”–what garbage. They must be removed from society. Rehabilitation of these animals has only the slimmest chance for success.

  4. they need attention? otherwise,they will burn down shuls? how about a good old fashioned:”FRASK” like in the chassidishe yeshivas?

  5. #4 The Shabavim are not Russians nor the children of Zionists. They are the peires of Charedim.

    %5 Many of these teenagers are “graduates” of chasidishe yeshivas where they were FRASKed over and over and over again,

    #6 The Charedim do not have jails and they certainly will nor practice Messirah by turning over their own children to the police.

    #1 The bad guys in Boro Park are not the children of the Yidden who live there. Thas is not the case im Bnai Brak.

    Welcome to the world of gangs. These shabavim are not so different from the Bloods and Crips of the US. They will soon go into big-time criminal activity to earn a parnasa.

    It is a shame that Charedi society has only two role models, the Talmid Chacham and the gang member.

  6. Pashuteh Yid

    When you’re appointed one of the Gedolim, no doubt many people will be interested in reading your views education, dress, etc. Untill then try something brave and dangerous and open a Sefer for the first time in your life.

  7. pashuteh yid: i just want to say, “i like you”.
    i very often have different personal opinions from the ones you share on ywn [and sometimes agree wholeheartedly], yet your comments are always well-thought-out & respectful to others. I just felt compelled to say that your reply to the bitter & cynical harav hagaon was so much better than a nasty attack. kudos 🙂

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