Israel Calling on Switzerland to Cancel Planned Welcome for Iranian Leader

achm1.jpgDiplomatic pressure is being applied by Israel in the hope of preventing a Sunday night meeting in Switzerland between Swiss President Hans Rudolf Merz and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Ahmadinejad will be attending the Durban-2 Conference, which is being boycotted by Israel. Other nations boycotting the event include Australia, Canada and the United States.

Officials in Jerusalem are calling on the Swiss president not to shake the Iranian leader’s hand, insisting such a meeting will significantly undermine the international boycott against Iran and it will be a moral affront since Ahmadinejad is a Holocaust denier and the major world backer of terrorism.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Not a hope! The Swiss are the biggest anti-semites. Privately, if not publicly, they probably agree with Iran. It is not a good country for Jews, despite the gashmius. Frum Jews have problems.

    My husband & colleagues (all Jewish, varying degrees of frumkeit with my husband the chasid in the room!)were at a business meeting with representatives from a major Swiss bank. One said to the other in German (they got it because of knowing Yiddish) something disgusting about “the little Jew” (the boss is a pint sized freier Yid who works on Yom Kippur.)

    My business partner’s nephew is from Switzerland. His family (beards, sheitels etc etc) have a very hard time there. State-condoned anti-semitism.

  2. Best Bubby! I could add dozens more such (or worse) stories about anti-semitism in Switzerland. But does that really make the Swiss (I happen to be one too) ‘the biggest anti-semites’? Or is rather not such, that we are constantly beeing reminded by modern day’s Amolekim that we are in Golus wherever we live, be it in Switzerland, the (not so) goldene Medineh USA, or, for that matter, even in E’Y???

  3. #3 well put. the biggest bracha for yidishkait as far as our ruchnius is to constantly being reminded we are in gollus.Over the whole jewish history the time when the most torah was produced was when we were prosecuted and tortured.

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