Preparations for Birchas HaChama and Pesach Underway at the Kosel

sr.jpgPreparations for Pesach are in high gear at the Kosel, as Kosel Rav Shmuel Rabinowitz and his staff are busied preparing for Birchas HaChama, Yomtov and the major Chol Hamoed Birchas Kohanim, realizing tens and tens of thousands of visitors will arrive at the Kosel daily from erev yomtov for Birchas HaChama and during the weeklong yomtov.

Work crews are carefully closing down small sections of the wall as they inspect each stone and make repairs where necessary, addressing any signs of compromised integrity that may lead to a dangerous situation chas v’sholom.

On erev yomtov, the main neitz minyan will begin at 5:50am, estimating Birchas Kohanim will take place at 6:25am. Kosel officials report Maran Rav Elyashiv Shlita will be present, as well as HaGaon HaRav Usher Weiss Shlita and other Gedolei Torah. The Birchas HaChama text with Rav Elyashiv’s commentary was printed and will also be distributed to mispalalim.

After Birchas HaChama a siyum of Maseches Chulin will be held for the firstborns. The siyum will be headed by HaGaon HaRav Weiss Shlita, Av Beis Din and Rosh Yeshiva Darchei Torah. 

Following the intervention by chareidi city councilmen, Egged reports there will be increased service to and from the Kosel beginning at 4:30am until 6:00am.  The number 1 bus will run on Jaffe Street since Kikar Shabbos will be closed to accommodate the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Birchas HaChama. The 2 Alef will run at one minute intervals and the 2 bus from Har Nof will run one every 10 minutes.

Direct buses will also be operating from Ramot, Ramat Shlomo, N’vei Yaakov and Bayit Vegan. Because the Old City will be closed to vehicular traffic, the 38 bus to the Jewish Quarter will not operate.

Jerusalem police report only public transportation and emergency vehicles will be permitted into the Old City, urging drivers to stay away from the Old City during the predawn hours on erev yomtov.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. This means if you want to log in for birchas kohanim (erev yom tov style) you need to do it around 1125p EDT.

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