Litzman Accepts Health Ministry Post

litzman.jpgYahadut HaTorah MK Yaakov Litzman has signaled he is now willing to accept the health ministry post after MK Moshe Gafne was appointed as chair of the Knesset Finance Committee, a position that Litzman wanted.

Litzman will officially become the deputy health minister while enjoying ministerial authority. The actual minister’s post will be held by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Israel Medical Association officials have expressed anger over the flippant attitude exhibited by the new administration regarding the senior health post, demanding a “fulltime health minister” to oversee the needs of the nation’s healthcare system.

The Gerre Rebbe Shlita has reportedly given the okay for R’ Yaakov Litzman to serve as deputy minister of health with ministerial authority, Kol Chai Radio reports.

Litzman had originally stated that the Rebbe instructed him to accept only the chair of the Knesset Finance Committee and if he does not receive the post, not to take anything else but to remain without an official position.

It appears that now, after the chair went to Degel representative R’ Moshe Gafne, the Rebbe Shlita is permitting Litzman to move into the health ministry post.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Cut it out, already! Litzman is a pro, respected by everyone–including the secular members of the Knesset–for his wisdom and hard work.

    Most ministries are headed by political leaders who make policy, based on the people’s wishes. Thedetail work is done by career bureaucrats, who–mostly–couldn’t care less about the people the should be serving.

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