Lobby Minyan Held in Kiryat Yovel on Shabbos

daven1.jpgIn response to last week’s court ruling prohibiting residents of the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Yerushalayim to hold Shabbos tefillos in an apartment, hundreds of residents davened in a building lobby, determined to maintain the Shabbos atmosphere among the neighborhood’s growing chareidi community. A number of rabbonim from Bayit Vegan joined in to give a chizuk to residents.

Ahead of his Shabbos HaGadol drasha, Bayit Vegan’s rav, HaGaon Rabbi Azriel Orbach Shlita addressed the battle for maintaining a Shabbos minyan in the growing frum neighborhood, citing this week we will make a bracha on the physical sun and also recite kiddush levana, explaining the spiritual significance of kiddush levana. Also present was the rosh yeshiva of Kol Torah HaGaon Rav Moshe Yehuda Schlesinger and HaGaon Rav Yitzchak Bretler, one of the Chemed roshei yeshiva.

Some staunch secularists appeared at Singual-Burkov Square at 4:00pm on Shabbos to prevent tefillos, carrying Israeli flags. When they saw the mispalalim were not present they began searching for the frum residents, confident in their victory, believing the minyanim were canceled due to the court’s ruling. They quickly celebrated their success, preventing the Shabbos minyanim.

R’ Chaim Goldman, one of the area leaders, is quoted by HaMevaser explained the secularists miscalculated to put it mildly, explaining the protestors failed to calculate the change for daylight savings time.

Yahadut HaTorah representatives are meeting on Sunday to discuss the situation as Pesach approaches, rejecting a situation where yidden in Yerushalayim are prohibited from davening with a minyan.

Councilman R’ Yosef Deutsch was on hand for Friday night tefillos, reporting about 130 mispalalim including about 15 ‘kippot srugot’, explaining all they want to do is daven, nothing more.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Yahadut HaTorah representatives are meeting on Sunday to discuss the situation as Pesach approaches, rejecting a situation where yidden in Yerushalayim are prohibited from davening with a minyan.

    This is called MAKING A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL, where in the world are yidden prohibited from davening with a minyan?. There are minyanim through out Kiryat Yovel and some are quite small, join the shuls that are there while requesting more to be zoned.

    reporting about 130 mispalalim including about 15 ‘kippot srugot’, HOW MANY suede yarmulkas, white braslavor ones, tereylene black and any shreimels?

  2. Civil disobedience seems one way to oppose the hilonim. Note that for secular zionists, preventign a minyan is a great victory for the zionist cause, as they say in their anthem that the goal of zionism is to be a nation free (Am Hofshe beArtzeinu” from the yoke of Torah and Mitzvos.

  3. Why the need to single out the “Kippot Srugot”. Did you suspect them of not davvening? If there is no achdus between us, and tolerance from us black hat davveners to other frum sections of klal Yisroel, than we can’t expect to convince the secularists.

  4. Welcome to the Soviet Union, where religious Jews must hide themselves while conducting religious ervices, in order to avoid Government persecution.

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