Arabs Continue to Contest New Jewish Home in Old City

The so-called Muslim Quarter of Yerushalayim was the scene of more Arab efforts to extend Arab occupation over the area, with police arriving Friday morning after being summoned, apparently because a new door was affixed to a home recently acquired by Ateret Kohanim.

Arabs gathered outside the home, part of the opposition to their new neighbors, five members of the Ateret Kohanim community who moved into the home earlier in the week. It appears the proponents of dual existence and a two-state solution are unwilling to have Jewish neighbors in the building predominately inhabited by Arabs.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. It appears that there are some people who insist on creating horribly dangerous provocations. Let them get out of there and move to Ramot, Har Nof, Kiryat Moshe or wherever. Please, get those weirdos out of there.

    It is due to this kind of people that terror attacks happen! They are the ones who enflame the Arabs, who cause the Arabs to continue with their attacks against us.

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