US General: An Israeli Attack Against Iran Possible

pet.jpgAccording to US General David Petraeus, the commander of US forces in the Mideast, an Israeli strike against Iran is indeed a real possibility.

In a briefing before the US Senate Armed Services Committee, the senior commander stated “the Israeli government may ultimately see itself so threatened by the prospect of an Iranian nuclear weapon that it would take preemptive military action to derail or delay it.”

Petraeus added that Iran continues to give support and financing to Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, with contradicts America’s regional interests as well as working with Afghanistan to undermine America’s efforts in that country.

Contradicting the commander’s remarks is US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who recently stated he does not see an Israeli attack against Iran this year as a likely occurrence.

Israel on the other hand has recently released worrisome reports pertaining to Iran having crossed “the threshold of technology” now capable of building a nuclear bomb. Government officials have been urging the international community to take a sterner policy towards Iran, but in reality, little has changed as Tehran continues forging ahead towards nuclear independence.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Petraeus and Gates didn’t contradict each other. One was talking on what Israel could do based on military factors, whereas the other was predicting was Israel was likely to do based on political factors.

  2. I dont really understand why this kind of statement would even released to the public. I guess the only point would be to show the American how big of a threat Iran really is…

  3. once the job gets done the entire world will be relieved. there’s nothing more that america wants than for israel to knock out iran’s plant. but of course they have to show that that’s the last thing on their mind. even the economy will turn around afterwards.

  4. Israel should not be the only one who wants to knock out Iran’s plant! Where is the solidarity between the USA and Israel. THAT is why America is in the shape it in. Pardon me but, 9/11 did happen even with all our “power”.

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