Death Threats Against R’ Meir Porush

porush.jpgFor some, the appointment of Moshe Gafne to head the Knesset Finance Committee is a serious matter, serious enough to make telephone death threats against MK R’ Meir Porush, both to his home and office.

Authorities are not taking the death threats lightly, ordering increased security for Porush, who is a deputy minister of education in the current government.

It appears the death threats surround the fact that Porush voted in favor of Gafne for the position instead of Yaakov Litzman, the party’s Gerrer representative, resulting in Gafne taking the chair of the prestigious committee. When recently asked to support his bid by Litzman, Porush explained such a move would have to be preceded by a major public apology from Litzman for sabotaging Porush’s Jerusalem mayoral campaign and since this did not occur, Porush was true to his word and supported Gafne, of the Litvish Degel HaTorah faction of Agudah.

Knesset security officials have ordered increased protection for Porush as police continue investigating the death threats.

As for Litzman, he will serve as the deputy minister of health with authority of a minister. There will be no minster appointed above him. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is officially the minister, permitting Litzman to run the ministry.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. Why don’t you peaple get it sraight? Degel Hatorah is NOT a Faction of Agudah, it is a faction Yahdut Hatorah. Aguda, Degel Hatorah and Shloimei Emunim (Porush) are components of Yahadut Hatoreh.

  2. AW, C’MON:

    This is, obviously, a childish prank by some BoChuRim–Maybe still drunk from Purim.

    Porush can sleep soundly. No one is going to do anything!

  3. No way, The gerrer dont play childish pranks they are dead serious, look at what lengths they went to destroy Porush in Yerusholayim

  4. Ani Ma’amin b’emuna shelemia in our gedolim and that everything being done is 100% da’as toira and that this si the true rotzon Hashem.

  5. This is such a chilul hashem. The way they act I would say to abolish the charedi parties altogether and do what we do here in America. Appeal to the major parties to support our issues if they want our votes.

  6. “…destroy Porush in Yerusholayim”–no. 5

    They didn’t physically attack him. They just made sure he lost the election–There’s a big difference between fervent opposition and physical violence.

  7. Does this mean that Porush has nithing to do with Ger any more? How does that work? Do you trade in your Gerer levush for a generic type?

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