Shin Bet Seeking Living Space in Caesarea

The ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) is looking for living space in Caesarea after incoming Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu explained the family will be splitting its time in the office residence in Jerusalem as well as in their Caesarea home.

It should be pointed out that renting a home near a prime minister is standard practice but in this case, there are no inexpensive options. Netanyahu has indicated that his private Jerusalem home on Aza Street is going to be rented.

In general, security for Netanyahu was increased significantly after the general election and he is now being treated as the prime minister, as well as his family.

There is actually discussion regarding security for his son Yair, who in the summer will be enlisting into the IDF. It appears according to the Shin Bet that the young recruit will be shadowed by security agents during basic training as well.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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