Seder: Your Parents or Mine?

The question of where couples will celebrate Seder night, at the parents of the wife or husband is not exactly relevant to the Gurelik brothers, Chabad shluchim who for the last 20 years have held community sedarim, concerned with the Klal rather than celebrating the yomtov with family.

Sholom and Rivka Gurelik, who live in Kiryat Malachi for the past 40 years, realize that this year, as was the case in the past 20 years, their three sons will not be home for Seder. Rav Zalman is a shaliach in Beersheva.  His brother Rav Yerachmiel is a shaliach in Cholon and the third brother, Rav Motty, is a shaliach in Petach Tikvah.

The brothers, like the remainder of the 240 Chabad houses around Israel will hold community Sedarim. Rav Zalman explains that even as a teen, he was sent to assist in community Sedarim in many areas, and since 1981, together with his rebbitzin, he has been hosting the Beersheva community Seder. Hundreds of city residents are expected to take part.

As far as the parents go, they explain that they have forgotten what it is like to spend Seder with all their children, but they are honored as parents and yidden over knowing their children are bringing Pessach Seder to so many people around Eretz Yisrael.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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