Israeli Arab MK Attacks Israel at Arab League Summit

Once again, Arab MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi displays his disdain for the Jewish state, acting in his capacity as the enemy from within, using his authority and funds as an elected official to attend the Arab League Summit in Qatar, addressing the forum.

Tibi blasted the Israeli government, the incoming administration which he opposes, calling on the Arab community to “isolate Israel”.

“The Netanyahu-Lieberman government is not a peace partner. It does not seek peace,” stated the Arab MK.

Tibi admitted to the media that while in Qatar he met with Arab leaders, declining to detail, stating that if the incoming administration does not promote moving forward with the two-state solution, the Arab community must exact a high political price from Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I will spell it out v e r y s i m p l y… This guy is a T r a i t o r. A normal government e x e c u t e s traitors.

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