Bank Hapoalim Sponsors Pesach Travel Despite Heavy Losses

Despite its report earlier in the week of close to a NIS 900 loss in 2008, Bank Hapoalim is sponsoring 45 tourists sites, which will be free to visitors during Chol Hamoed Pessach.

The list includes the Israel Museum in Tel Aviv, the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, Gan HaShlosha, Latrun Tank Museum, Animal Safari in Haifa, Yar Ayalim Forest in the Golan, Diaspora Museum in Tel Aviv, Joe Alon Museum in the Negev, and the Air Force Museum in the Negev.

The free pass to the Bank Hapoalim sponsored locations is valid from April 10-14. Bank officials explain they are continuing the annual tradition to permit Israelis to enjoy the yomtov without the concerns of having to spend for admission to visit cultural attractions.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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