Hachnasas Sefer Torah in Shavu Banim Nechamas Tzion Shul

A hachnasas sefer Torah is planned for Monday evening in the Shavu Banim – Nechamas Tzion Shul affiliated with Breslov chassidus under the leadership of HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Berlind Shlita, on Shmuel HaNavi Street in Yerushalayim.

The completion of the sefer Torah will take place in the home of the givir, Rav Aharon Hochberg, on Shiftei Yisrael Street. Admorim and rabbonim are expected to take part in the event.

The procession will leave the Breslov Yeshiva at 15 Orbach Street at 7:00PM heading to the shul on Shmuel HaNavi. Musical entertainment will accompany the procession and a large turnout is expected. The event will be followed by  a seudas mitzvah.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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