Matzah Metzias to Draw in the Shoppers

While the supermarkets are generally doing a brisk business ahead of yomim tovim, with Pessach and Rosh Hashanah leading the list, Rami Levy and his giveaway matzah this year has succeeded in drawing in the masses.

According to the supermarket chain’s management, no less than 25,000 boxes of Jerusalem matzah were sold on Sunday, each selling for NIS 1. Jerusalem Matzah Company has picked up the pace by 12,000 boxes to keep up with demand at Rami Levy stores.

Also bringing shoppers in large numbers was the sale on Tara brand cheese, with a package selling for NIS 1.

Seeking to attract shoppers SuperSol is selling 1 kilo of Aviv matzah for NIS 10 if one purchases over NIS 100. In Mega Bull, anyone spending NIS 500 or more will receive a 2.5 kilo package of matzah for free. At Mister Zol, anyone spending NIS 300 or more will receive 2.5 kilo of matzah for free.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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