Over 20,000 Children to Visit Kfar Chabad Matzah Factory

Tzeirei Chabad’s annual matzah fair at Kfar Chabad is underway and over 20,000 children are expected to visit before yomtov, most coming from the nation’s public schools, religious and secular

Kfar Chabad officials state their hand shmura matzah factory is the world’s largest, taking part in the program which not only churns out matzah for the mitzvah of Pessach, but to explain to the children the process involved and the care taken to adhere to halacha and ensure the integrity of the hand matzos is not compromised.

A special area is set up to permit children to bake their own matzah for Pessach, of course with the explanation they matzah should not be used for yomtov. The children get to knead the dough, roll it out, make the holes and bake them.

The chairman of Tzeirei Chabad, HaRav Yosef Yitzchak Aaronoff explains the visit by thousands of children brings an explanation of the significance of Pessach and for many; an experience that stays with them for many years.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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