New Government Will Take the Oath of Office on Tuesday at 5:00PM

bibi1111.jpgBinyamin Netanyahu’s new government will take the oath of office on Tuesday at 5:00pm, assuming the responsibility of running the nation. At present, it appears that Israel’s 32nd government will be composed of 30 ministers and a number of deputy ministers, vying for the largest cabinet in the nation’s history. Supporters of the coalition explain it is a necessity to accommodate the broad-based coalition but opponents remain critical, insisting the coalition does not have enough support in the 120-seat Knesset to justify its size.

In the meantime, the logistical preparations are underway, including Cabinet Secretary-designate Tzvi Hauser having the government table enlarged to accommodate the new cabinet.

Premier-designate Netanyahu on Monday is expected to inform party members of their ministerial appointments, which are expected to number 12 slots, the result of ministers-without-portfolio and splitting the responsibilities of existing ministries.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Americaisover–

    You sound like a know it all holed up in a protected environment, climb out and you’ll realize that it’s all not so pashut!! Read a bit of Jewish History.

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