Syria: Talking Peace While Preparing for War

asad.jpgWhile Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad continues to release statements expressing a willingness to negotiate a peace treaty with the new Israeli administration, as well as signaling a willingness to embrace US President Barak Obama’s new policy of dialogue to replace viewing Damascus as a supporter of terrorism, Syria nevertheless is in essence preparing for war.

It was just last year that Israel eliminated a Syrian nuclear reactor, and now, despite vehement denials from Russian leaders, it is learned that Russia is indeed about to make delivery of advanced state-of-the-art MiG 31E fighter jets, a reality that would considerably dictate a change of regional balance of power.

While Israel, the European Union and United States continue diplomatic relations with Moscow, Russia is an active player in providing the western world’s most hostile opponents with state-of-the-art weaponry, resulting in threats and instability. This includes Syria and Iran, both staunch allies and supporters of Hizbullah.

Russia continues to reap the profits of its weapons sales while the international community talks diplomatic sanctions as Tehran approaches the construction of its first nuclear device. With the help of the Russian MiGs and the advances S-300 anti-aircraft system, Russia is taking Syria’s antiquated air force and bringing it into the 21st century, moving it from defense capabilities to offensive potential, another existential threat for Jerusalem. The outdated MiGs will be replaces with the 31E and 29M models, capable of posing a balance of power threat to Israel, whose air force have maintained regional superiority.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

    “expressing a willingness to negotiate a peace treaty” from 1948 till TODAY the Arab world has never changed its motto of ‘destruction of the Jewish State’ and states it loud and clear for all those interested in listening.

    Negotiations according to the Arab and EU world means, DO WHAT THE ARABS REQUEST OR ELSE!!! Just this past wk the Arab legions of murderers gathered for a summit to affirm either Israel follows the Saudi Plan or ELSE–TERROR to begin (when did it ever stop?). The EU warned Bibi’s government that they MUST follow the Saudi Plan (which includes back to 1948 borders and return of all refugees) or else…..

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