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Rambam Hospital Charged in Blood Mix Up – Patient Dies

rh.jpgAn 83-year-old woman undergoing surgery in December in Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center died two weeks following the procedure, with her death attributed to a unit of A+ blood given to her by mistake. Her blood type was B+. Shortly following surgery the woman began experiencing dyspnea (shortness of breath) and eventually cardiac symptoms, which were too much for her body to overcome.

Eva Yisrael fell at home and fractured a leg, requiring surgical intervention which took place on 15 December. Two units of blood were ordered for the procedure, one of which was used during the operation.

The family reports having received papers verifying the blood bank admitting an error occurred and as a result, Mrs. Yisrael received the wrong blood type. ICU physician Dr. Yoram Bar-Lavi also informed the family of the error, which led to shortness of breath and compromised cardiac output, leading to her petira on 28 December.

The hospital released a statement rejecting any attempt to connect her death to the mistake which occurred two weeks earlier.

According to a Haaretz report, the hospital made an oral report to the Ministry of Health but has yet to file a detailed written report.

The patient was brought in during the predawn hours and underwent an operation for an open fracture requiring the use of surgical screws. She received a local spinal anesthetic. The medical record states that during the operation, the blood bank informed operating room 10 of the error, with the anesthesiologist reporting that while the unit was being infused the patient suffered the shortness of breath which dissipated a short time afterward.

It was Dr. Bar-Lavi who informed her two sons of the error as she was stabilized in an ICU following surgery. The sons explain that to date, they have not received an apology or explanation from anyone in the hospital, calling on the Ministry of Health to launch an official investigation.

Attorney Shai Fuering who represents the family has turned to the Health Ministry’s ombudsman to order an official investigation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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