E1 the Last Nail in the Peace Process Coffin

Speaking to Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Sunday morning, senior PA (Palestinian Authority) official Dr. Saeb Erekat, a former chief negotiator, stated the incoming Israeli administration is an internal Israeli matter. He added however that information has been leaked to him that Premier-designate Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister-designate Avigdor Lieberman have reached an agreement by which the new administration will move ahead with the controversial E1 building project.

Erekat stated that moving ahead with E1 “is the last nail in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” adding “you can make peace with yourselves but not with the Palestinians”.

Regarding talks between Fatah and Hamas towards a unity government, Erekat told radio host Razi Barkai that negotiations are scheduled to resume next week in Cairo, stressing that Hamas must accept a two-state solution and adhere to all previously signed agreements just as the PA is demanding of Israel. To date, among the many problems preventing the formation of a PA unity coalition is Hamas’ refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist.

The E1 project intends to create land contiguity between Maale Adumim and the capital, a project that has been halted for many years, in no small part due to major American objections.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Peace Process??? Anybody out there see any peace process??? I’ve seen a lot of busses, malls and pizza stores blown up, I’ve seen thousands of rockets shot at us, I’ve seen our soldiers abducted, I see little arab kids still being taught to hate and kill us, but I haven’t seen any sign of a peace process. Sooooo… if building more Jewish neighborhoods, if connecting Maale Adumim to Yerushalayim is the “last nail in the peace process”, well that doesn’t really mean anything at all, does it!

  2. Hardly. If anyone wanted peace it would be easy to work things out. It seems there has been a meeting of the minds, and everyone seems content with a permanent demi-war, sort of like an addict who knows addiction is bad, but has gotten so used to it he doesn’t want to change.

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