Yahadut HaTorah Hopeful to Sign an Agreement

yahdut2.jpgYahadut HaTorah coalition negotiators are hopeful that on Sunday, they will have made enough progress to close a deal, entering the coalition. This of course would require approval of Gedolei HaDor Shlita.

The chareidi party is the last party expected to enter the coalition, as it is now clear Ichud HaLeumi has missed the opportunity, with its leaders explaining they are true to their platform and voters, and therefore, cannot enter the government which has already compromised on key issues.

The major hurdle for Yahadut HaTorah was cleared last week when Maran Rav Elyashiv Shlita agreed to accept the giyur compromise by Rav Shlomo Amar Shlita and the Belzer Rebbe Shlita.

The party is seeking the chair of the Knesset Finance Committee, and a deputy minister appointment for chareidi education in the Education Ministry in addition to another deputy ministerial post. It is unclear if Moshe Gafne and Yaakov Litzman have reached an agreement regarding the finance committee, with both insisting they must be the chairman, unwilling to compromise on the issue. Netanyahu has instructed the two to work it out, unwilling to involve himself in the internal dispute.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. As usual the un-achdus attitudes of Litzman and Gafne are impeding the Torah party from advancing its golas of helping Klal Yisroel and education of chareidi children and much needed help in housing. Keep slugging it out guys, moshiach’s waiting for sinaas chinom and you guys are holding him up.

  2. What is the point of joining the government now? With the Labor party the government is standing on steady feet and does not want or need religious parties. Can UTJ change the educationally direction of the network of schools? Tradtionally they are not focused on security matters, will they put boundaries on Lieberman? What are their goals?

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