Economic Crisis – Presidential Garden being Redone for Papal Visit

Israel – While the nation is busy looking for ways to cut spending, and NGOs scrounge for funds for Pesach, to provide food for the needy, in one of his last acts in office, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has given approval to redoing the garden in the official President’s Residence ahead of next month’s visit of Pope Benedict XVI.

The 11 May papal ceremony will be expected by 1,000 guests. Members of the president’s staff add that the president regularly receives guests in the garden, which has not really be redone as needed for some 40 years.

At Sunday’s cabinet meeting, Mr. Olmert will give the final stamp of approval, which will allocate NIS 3 million of Jewish National Fund money for the project, which is being designed and implemented by JNF.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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