Clalit HMO to Layoff 1,000 Employees After Pesach

As part of the Clalit HMO’s fiscal recovery plan, 1,000 people will lose their jobs after Pesach. Clalit is the nation’s largest healthcare provider, explaining the 1,000 lost jobs represents 3% of its workforce.

The HMO’s director, Eli Dfas has instructed his managerial staff to prepare lists of employees to be dismissed, but instructed them not to summon them for meeting before yomtov. Dfas explains the move is necessitated by an expected staggering NIS 775 million operating deficit in 2009. A major portion of the deficit he explains is an decision that resulted in a 24% salary increase for physicians.

Dfas’ letter expresses his sorrow over the move, which he further states is compulsory based on fiscal realities, a move that will impact primarily temporary and non-tenured employees. He is also turning to the treasury to infuse funds into the HMO to prevent the layoffs.

Interestingly, about a week ago, Clalit employees declared a ‘work dispute’, a move that starts the countdown timer towards a labor strike as a dispute continues over demands for a 15% wage increase.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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