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General Strike in Um el-Fahm to Prevent Flag March

A general strike will be observed on Tuesday in the Israeli Arab municipality of Um el-Fahm in an effort to prevent the Israeli flag march in the city.

The city council met in urgent session on Saturday, at which city leaders announced they will take part in efforts to prevent the march from taking place, vowing to prevent right-wing activists from entering with their Israeli flags. “We call on Jewish Democratic forces to take part in the human chain that will be formed against the racism, to prevent Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gavir from entering the city” the council’s statement read.

Mazel and Ben-Gavir stated “we are not afraid of the threats,” calling on police to respond firmly to those who threaten freedom of speech and the Israeli democracy”.

Arab MKs expressed their disapproval of the High Court decision to permit the march, as well as their disapproval of Israel Police granting a permit and undertaking to provide security to prevent the march. Some of the Arab lawmakers called the decision “provocative” and warned permitting the march may have a disastrous outcome.

The march is scheduled to begin at 9:30am, permitting 100 flag-waving marchers to enter Um el-Fahm. Hundreds of police are expected to be on hand to maintain order.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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