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PA’s Moderate Abu Mazen Vows ‘Occupation of Jerusalem Will End’

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in a Saturday night speaking event in PA-occupied Bet Lechem announced that “the occupation of Jerusalem will come to an end”, expressing confidence Jerusalem will become the capital of a future Palestinian state.

The event followed the Arab League decision to declare Jerusalem the official
“Capital of Arab culture”, stating the “apartheid will end and the racist barrier will come down”. Celebrations were held in PA autonomous areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron as well, marking this year’s Arab League designation. Last year, Damascus enjoyed the illustrious title.

A number of events planned inside Israel, including in Nazareth and eastern Yerushalayim were canceled by Israel Police, prohibiting PA-sponsored happenings inside Israel. Abu Mazen mentioned that just as Israel prohibits events, Hamas in Gaza is doing the same, signaling there has been no mending of fences in recent talks towards a PA coalition government between Hamas and Fatah.

The PA leader used the forum to send a message to the world, questioning when the “slaughter of his people” will end, when “the destruction” will end, taking advantage of the anti-Israel sentiment in many countries following Operation Cast Lead. He stated there will be no peace agreement with Israel without addressing Jerusalem.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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