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Rav Shmuel Eliyahu Reiterates Prisoner Swap is Wrong

gilad10.jpgTzfas Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu in weekly Torah sheets circulated around the country reiterated that a prisoner release for Gilad Shalit negates halacha, explaining that the blood of Gilad Shalit is not worth more than the yet unknown victims, quoting ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) officials who documented that 60% of released terrorists return to commit acts of terror.

Rav Eliyahu’s p’sak halacha was published in Rosh Yehudi, stating that even if 100 terrorists were released for Shalit it would be contrary to Torah Law. The rav explains that he is pained when he sees supporters of the captive soldier calling for his release “at any cost,” questioning if the same people are willing to attend the funerals of the victims whose lives will be snuffed out by the terrorists released to obtain their objective.

The rav added that the previous Regev/Goldwasser prisoner exchange deal with Hizbullah, which resulted in Israel releasing terrorists for bodies, resulted in Hamas raising its demands for Gilad Shalit.

Alternatively, the rav explains that Israel must make life so difficult for Hamas that its leaders will agree to release Shalit, including cutting off all deliveries of food, fuel and turning off electricity to Gaza.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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