Many Attend Shalit 1,000 Day Rally

Hundreds of people took part in the motzei Shabbos rally marking Gilad Shalit’s 1000th day in Hamas captivity held outside the family vigil tent opposite the Prime Minister’s Residence in Yerushalayim. Somberly waving light sticks in the air, they sang together in a sign of support for the parents, Noam and Aviva, as well as a expressing their hope that Gilad will indeed walk the path of freedom in the near future.

“It has been 1,000 days and night since Gilad was taken captive” stated Noam, who called on the outgoing administration to use the remaining time in office to arrange for Gilad’s release.

Also present was Azzam Azzam, who spent eight years in Egyptian captivity after being convicted of spying for Israel. Azzam sent a message to Gilad, to “remain strong”, adding “you do not know how much is being done on your behalf and realize, the day will come and you will return home”.

Another speaker, Meir Shalev, also addressed the forum, stating “it has also been 1,000 days of empty promises and time lost,” echoing the Shalit’s call to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to use the remaining two weeks in office to do everything possible to bring Gilad home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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