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Egyptian Cleric Takes the Opportunity to Poke at the Jews

sbu.jpgIn a sermon aired on Al-Nas Television, Egyptian cleric Safwat Higa timed his remarks to coincide with Purim, expressing his disapproval of the Starbucks logo, which he insists shows a woman who is actually Queen Esther. As such, he finds the fact that Starbucks has branches in Mecca, Cairo and other Arab areas objectionable, MEMRI (The Middle East Media Research Institute) reports

“Has any of you ever wondered who this woman with a crown on her head is? Why do we boycott Starbucks? I will tell you, so you will know why you should boycott this company, and what this logo stands for. As I’ve already said, it is not enough to avoid entering this coffee shop. It is not enough to refrain from drinking this coffee. You must urge people never to go there, but none of you should even consider throwing a stone, breaking anything, or burning [the place] down. […]

“The girl in the Starbucks logo is Queen Esther. Do you know who Queen Esther was and what the crown on her head means? This is the crown of the Persian kingdom. This queen is the queen of the Jews. She is mentioned in the Torah, in the Book of Esther. The girl you see is Esther, the queen of the Jews in Persia.” […]

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. Additionally, the following “hidden” message can be found: “queen eSTAR BUCKS the Persians.”. Or perhaps: “Jewish queen eSTAR has all the BUCKS.”

  2. This is nothing new. The Egyptians from the government to the local mosque on every street corner have spewed anti-semitism that has only gotten worse.

  3. Has anyone considered that maybe this whole article was a purim joke played either by Memri or the Egyptian cleric?

    The lady shown is actually a Siren from Greek Mythology.

  4. After some quick research, turns out that the original logo, conceived in 1971, was fashioned after a 15th century Norse woodcut, the image of a mythical two-tailed mermaid siren, from Greek Mythology,half-fish and half-woman. The current logo is supposed to make this same image look more modern.

    Sorry Guys.

  5. To Commenter #4 – DON’T CLOUD THE ISSUE WITH FACTS! These nuts don’t care about the truth, they just want to HATE.

  6. This is an old story. I saw it on Purim. What took so long to get it here???

    Anyway, the mitzri is a mamzer and there is nothing you could do.

  7. That’s… too good to leave alone.

    So, if we control the media, Hollywood, the banks, and the economy, why not the world’s coffee!

    Must be news to Colombia!

    Actually, I bet “none of you should even consider throwing a stone, breaking anything, or burning [the place] down” is Islamic code to do just that. Pay close attention…

  8. Well, it would explain why the logo is green, since the gemara does say Esther had a greenish complexion, but what I don’t understand is what Starbucks has to do with Persia, and even if it does, why is it not Vashti or the five other shiktzas that were queens before the Persian kingdom was toppled.

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