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America Issues a Meaningless Statement to Hamas

amisflag.jpgIn a move intended to compel Hamas to formally recognize Israel, the United States in a symbolic move announced it will not recognize a coalition government in the PA (Palestinian Authority) between Fatah and Hamas if Hamas fails to recognize Israel.

While the statement may leave supporters of Israel with a good feeling, in essence, it is meaningless since President Barak Obama is willing to give close to $1 billion to the Hamas terror regime in Gaza, earmarked to rehabilitate Gaza following Operation Cast Lead. A White House effort they may have carried some weight, tying the $1 billion to the release of Gilad Shalit was not heard, and America is basically issuing a benign statement that carries not gain for Israel. The same hold true for the EU and other donor nations, including French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who boldly announced again this week that he will continue his efforts to obtain Shalit’s release, also a French citizen.

Actually, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are moving ahead to establish diplomatic ties with Hamas and Damascus, both enemies of Israel, contrary to Israel’s interests, and the new administration favors “dialogue” with Iran instead of action that may still halt the development of an Iranian nuclear bomb, a reality that would not only pose a major threat to Israel, but to the entire Mideast balance of power which includes many American interests in the Gulf.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Nothing new here. I was just wondering why so many Jews voted for Hillary for Senator and Obama for President.

  2. Flatbush Bubby:
    In my opinion, voting Mrs. Clinton for Senator is much different than voting Mr. Obama for President.

    I think Mrs. Clinton has done good things for Jews in New York, publicly and behind the scenes when she was senator. As for the president, his term has only just begun so we do not know yet what the outcome will be.

    Personally, I find it interesting that, along the lines of Mr. Greenfield’s audio commentary here yesterday, Democrats liked to criticize Mr. Bush for spending billions of dollars on the country’s security (Iraq, et al.), while Mr. Obama has spent over a trillion dollars that basically enriched the fat cats and their mega-companies while small businesses continue to suffer and many a taxpayer has either lost his job, afraid he is about to lose it or, if lucky, has had to take a pay cut to keep it.

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