Increased Concerns Over Rapidly Rising Unemployment

job1.jpgBituach Leumi (National Insurance Institute) officials warn that unemployment is rising rapidly and predictions for the period following Pesach are indeed bleak.

January 2009 was reported as a difficult month, with 20,000 people losing their jobs. That number was surpassed during the first two weeks of March, and state employment, treasury and other officials are aware that predictions are for a worsening of the situation following the upcoming yomtov.

For one thing, despite difficult times, the upcoming yomtov does promote spending and businesses in the food, clothing and other industries do expect an increase in sales in the coming weeks, albeit less than in previous years.

After the yomtov rush ends, thousands are expected to be sent home, losing their jobs and joining the growing unemployment camp. Unemployment is expected to reach a 7.5% nationwide in the coming months, with most experts admitting there simply is no way to head off the difficult situation at present.

YWN phoned a number of Jerusalem hotels, including the Sheraton Plaza and Prima Kings, both explaining they have rooms available as well as room for seder reservations. This was not the case a year ago when visitors had to reserve hotel space months in advance. Vacancies are also reported  in hotels in other areas of Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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