Yahadut HaTorah on Hold as Labor’s Efforts Intensify

yahdut.jpgWith Labor leader Ehud Barak moving at a brisk pace towards persuading party leaders to accept his position and enter the coalition, Yahadut HaTorah, like Shas, is taking a backseat to see how negotiations evolve.

Undoubtedly, as was clearly stated by Likud negotiators, should Labor and/or Kadima enter the coalition, cabinet posts will shift, as was also explained to Yisrael Beitenu, the only party to date which has signed a coalition agreement.

While all agree the inclusion of either of the parties will add significant stability to the coalition, both Shas and Yahadut HaTorah are well aware Labor and/or Kadima in the coalition will negatively impact their abilities to make demands from the coalition leader and significantly weaken their bargaining power.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. #1 let me point out that in percentage charidim should hold at least 10% (think of all those who dont vote and all the fraud shtick pulled by the secular) of the seats so they do have a right to demand more than thier size

  2. #2 You may be surprised how many charedeim vote for other parties just as they did in the Mayoral race. If you do not vote you have NO say….

  3. #2 It is a myth that chareidim do not work or pay taxes. They pay arnona-property tax, and income tax, and many work very hard. Go to Geula, Bnei Brak, any frum community on any day of the week, and almost every business is owned by a charedi and has charedi workers. There are colleges for frum people teaching high level marketable skills in Israel- places like Kiryat Ono. There seems to be a lot of charedi bashing on YWN. I understand that there are many charedim that come to collect tzedaka in the USA but there are thousands more that do not and are self supporting and have pride and dignity.

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