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Labor Possibilities Places Shas on Hold

shas.jpgWhile he remains optimistic that a coalition deal with Likud will be signed by Sunday, Shas leader Eli Yishai is confirming reports that a deal appears delayed at present due to the prospect of the Labor Party joining the coalition.

He quickly added the daily Yisrael HaYom reports that the delays are minor, stressing daily progress in coalition negotiations. What is also contributing to the delay however, which is more than a minor issue, is Shas’ demand for a deputy education minister post of a minster of chareidi education, seeking to obtain control of chareidi education issues rather than being subjected to the mercy of the education minister.

One of the options being discussed is two deputy education ministers, one from Shas and one from Yahadut HaTorah, which is also demanding control over chareidi education issues. There has been such a precedent, during the last Netanyahu government, Limor Livnat of Likud was education minister and she had two deputy ministers, Meshulam Nahari and Avraham Ravitz z”l.

Yahadut HaTorah is playing hardball regarding the education slot, adding that Likud has already told Shas “no” regarding the education ministry, and therefore, Yahadut HaTorah has no intentions of showing flexibility in this area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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