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Police Permit Controversial Flag Parade

Israel Police on Thursday announced the controversial Israel Flag Parade will take place this coming Tuesday, March 24th, after Baruch Marzel and other organizers petitioned the Supreme Court after police refused to okay the march.

Police were rebuked by the High Court during the last session, for failing to comply with the court’s earlier ruling to permit the parade. Police canceled the event under the guise of ‘intelligence information’ that indicated Marzel and others would be harmed if they entered Um el-Fahm, an Arab municipality in the State of Israel in which residents are Israeli citizens as are their Jewish counterparts living elsewhere.

Marzel turned to the court a second time to exercise his right to march, at which time the court lashed out at police for ignoring its previous decision. Police are now permitting the event, announcing 100 marchers with flags will be allowed to take part; adding hundreds of police will be on hand to keep order.

One of the organizers, Itamar Ben-Gavir, released a statement that he hopes police will not give in to “lawbreakers”, pointing out that despite sharp chareidi protests, police were out in force to permit the to’eva parade in Jerusalem and arrested chareidim and others who interfered. Ben-Gavir stated he expects nothing less in this case, pointing out; all they are doing is marching with the national flag.

Arab MK Jamal Zahalka announced he will not permit “the successors of Kahane” to enter Um el-Fahm, rejecting their “racist and fascist message”.

Um el-Fahm is known to be a hotbed of Hamas sympathizers, including prominent resident Sheikh Raad Salah, head of the northern branch of the Israel Islamic Association, who has been jailed numerous times for his Hamas ties and activities.

In the past, police have canceled such events at the last moment due to “security considerations” but this will be difficult second time around, especially after the High Court of Justice has lashed out at the decision to cancel the parade months ago.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. The question here should not be whether Jews can parade or march with the national flag anywhere they want to in Eretz Yisrael, the question SHOULD BE why is it that the hamas sympathizers in this town are not in prison?!?!

  2. To #1. u question why these Hamas sympathizers are not in prison. Not that I disagree with u, but by the same token the Jewish Hamas sympathizers aka Neturei Karta should also be there!

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