And Yet Another Call to Labor to Join the Coalition

Seeking to apply pressure on Labor leader Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Premier-designate Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday issued yet another call for the Labor Party to join the forming coalition rather than remaining in opposition.

Barak and Netanyahu have held numerous meetings and the Labor leader in genuinely interested in securing himself a place around the cabinet table but to date, he has not succeeded in persuading party leaders, who remain adamant about heading for the opposition role.

Netanyahu emphasized Labor’s inclusion in the government would have a positive impact in many areas, including social and financial issues.

In his media statement, Netanyahu repeated he plans to continue efforts to bring Kadima on board as well.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Labor and Kadima need to see the whole picture and get out of the “I, Me, My, Mine and MYSELF” mentality!
    Netanyahu is trying to form the best coalition he can with what he has to work with and what he has to work with doesnt want to work!!

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