Jerusalem Tractor Drivers are Fearful

tat1.jpgArabs employed in the capital as tractor operators are calling for assistance, explaining that on several occasions, they have been targeted in unprovoked attacks in response to several tractor terror attacks in Yerushalayim this year.

The eastern Jerusalem residents on Tuesday held a protest near Teddy Stadium in the Malcha area of the capital, angrily rejecting the accusations that they are all terrorists.

Some of the protestors explained that they are truly afraid since anyone who fires a gun at an Arab tractor driver is regarded as a hero. They used the terror attack on King David Street in which dozens of people were injured, insisting it was a vehicular accident and nothing more, yet the driver was shot dead and police called it terror. They added they knew the driver, who was married with a family and there was no way that he perpetrated an attack.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. Oh yeah, they are all as pure as the newly fallen snow. Poor, poor, innocent arabs. Anyone who buys this baloney might also be interested in buying a bridge I have for sale. This is just a ploy to make those who are armed and ready to take out these savages, hesitate (wondering if maybe it IS just a driver that lost control) and thereby give them more time to cause more injuries and death. If these poor soles are suddenly so worried about their ability to keep their vehicles under control that they fear they may end of getting shot, let them find a safer job, like tending sheep.

  2. ‘ein holchim benefoshos acher hurov’..why dont they protes vehently against arab barbarism instead to show they are serious?

  3. Why is this article published here?
    We are not concerned with protestors who are openly anti-semetic, anti-Israel and have their loyalty to Hamas. Other articles published about these protests have confirmed their sentiments. In truth, their are plenty of other people who are unemployed who are loyal to Israel who can and should be trained to drive tractors. We should not be providing potential weapons to self-styled terrorists. Besides, there were a number of suicide bombers, in the past, who happened to have families.

  4. Very unfortunate but then again can you blame the Jews for being quick on the trigger.

    They should be protesting to their dear brothers propogate theses terror tactics.

    It’s ironic when Israel puts up a wall to stop terror attacks and then the innocent Arab population complains that the Jews are blocking their view.

    They opened some roadblocks last week and immediatly there was a terror attack where 2 policemen were killed. Mind you they stopped to help what seemed like a stranded motorist. They did not wait a couple months, a couple of weeks or even a couple of days…. nope, first day. So up go the roadblocks again and now we will hear complaints like “we can’t have peace when we feel so restricted”. I can also hear them complaining that nobody wants to stop to help an Arab stranded motorist.

    Uh-huh. As I saidvery very unfortunate but they need to protest to the root of the problem.

    And if they don’t see their brothers in arm as the root of the problem, then they may be just as guilty.


  6. Very interesting this sudden rash of “vehicular accidents”. For many years, there were no such accidents, and then suddenly (once they got the idea of using bulldozers as weapons) there were two “accidents” within about a month, and now three within less than 9 months! What a coincidence! Interesting also that when they have these “accidents” they never just crash into a wall or a tree, they always hit people!

  7. #10: I agree, it’s very “interesting.” Also interesting is how the buckets of the front loaders seem to malfunction at very specific times during these “accidents,” rearing up as they flip cars and dropping down to crush them…

  8. the guy was as guilty as it comes , these arabs have no value of life ,who cares if he had a wife and a kid . they probably encourged him.

  9. Quote: “Some of the protestors explained that they are truly afraid since anyone who fires a gun at an Arab tractor driver is regarded as a hero.”
    Thats correct!! They are who we consider our heros. Taking your scum out. Fear them!!
    Any terrorist,suicide bomber are your hero’s . We are afraid to get on a bus or walk the street because of your “heros”.
    You be afraid too!

  10. yeah right! if you watch the video footage of it – that was NO accident what-so-ever! the terrorist was stopped and then literally plowed into the police car. no way is it possible that it wasnt done on purpose – getouttahere.

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