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Statement from Prime Minister Olmert Regarding Shalit

ol n.jpg8:15PM IL: in a statement aired live to the nation, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert a few moments ago explained the failed process of trying to secure a prisoner exchange deal with Hamas to actualize Gilad Shalit’s release.
Following is a synopsis of Prime Minister Olmert’s remarks:
Citizens of Israel — The government, headed by me, today heard an in-depth report from Yuval Diskin and Ofer Dekel following their return from Egypt. We decided not to conduct a detailed discussion due to the sensitive nature of the issues at hand.
As long as I head the government, we will never agree to the demands of Hamas. We were willing to release hundreds of terrorists, including murderers of Israelis to obtain Gilad Shalit’s release. The offer was rejected. We will not agree to release additional names on Hamas’ list.
During dozens of meetings with world leaders during recent years, I was asked many times how we can contradict our own interests for the good of one person. They do not understand. They do not act in a similar fashion. This comes from leaders who genuinely want the best for Israel.
I explained to them that the Jewish People carry different memories, scars and experiences that they can never understand. I explained that we have a Homeland so we can live in peace, so that they do not harm us and we are not compelled to strike back – to permit our children to live in peace. At the end of the day, the value that is the fiber of our being is the responsibility of one for another. He who saves a single life among Israel it is if he has saved an entire world.
Therefore, we are willing to do much to bring Gilad home. We will continue and speak to anyone who can assist. Efforts to bring Gilad home will continue. We will deal with anyone around the world to find a path to bring Gilad home.
We did not spare any effort but to my sorrow, we are dealing with a loathsome group that maintains different standard. I want to say on behalf of the government, we have red lines which will not be crossed. We are not downtrodden and will not be stepped upon. We seek to live but will not accept dictates from the likes of Hamas. During the coming days, efforts to obtain Shalit’s release will continue, along with efforts towards peace with our neighbors.
I would like to wish Am Yisrael that the coming days will be increasingly joyous. I sent a hug of hope to the Shalits, who know I am totally committed to work with any government to bring Gilad home, as I have done and will continue to do.
During Tuesday afternoon’s cabinet session, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi warned the release of senior terrorists would have dire security consequences on the nation, adding some of the most detestable terrorists, responsible for attacks including Sbarro, Park Hotel, Café Hillel, and Moment Café are the masterminds behind the bloodshed that claimed many lives, adding that while in prison, they are still planning future attacks. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Machiach is coming and He will release us all! Yerushalyim which is now a cup of trembling will be a praise in the earth!

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