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Monday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Egypt reported on Sunday night that it will open the Rafiach Crossing for two days beginning on Wednesday, primarily to permit passage for students and the ill.

**Ichud HaLeumi’s Yaakov Katz stated on Sunday night that there is progress in coalition talks but he does not know if an agreement will be reached by Thursday.

**Shas & Yahadut HaTorah seeking to have chareidi budget placed in law since coalition commitment can be retracted they explain.

**IDF soldiers taking part in counter-terror operations throughout Yosh on Sunday night arrested 11 suspects. Arrests were made in Bet Lechem, Shechem and Ramallah.

**Yisrael Beitenu and Likud initialed a coalition agreement on Sunday night, bringing the formation of a unity government to the next stage.

**Officials in the PM’s Office report no progress towards a deal for the release of Gilad Shalit. The prime minister is giving the intensive talks a 24-hour extension.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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