Israeli Citizen Convicted in Terror Plot

Shfaram resident 20-year-old Anis Saffouri was convicted of conspiring to murder Israeli air force pilots, scientists and IDF soldiers by a northern court on Wednesday. He was found guilty of an array of charges including assisting the enemy and the state is demanding the maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. Co-defendant Hussam Khalil was found guilty of one count of conspiracy.

Five terrorists affiliated with Islamic Jihad were arrested by ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) agents during the summer. There has been a gag order on the details of the case.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. What’s misleading about this article is the term “Israeli Citizen”! This so-called Israeli citizen is an arab, granted citizenship by the sick policies of the Israeli government. The most basic requirement for citizenship for ANY country in the world is the swearing of allegiance to that country. The arabs in Israel has shown over and over and over again that they (understandibly)do NOT have allegiance to Israel and are often, as is the case here, involved in treason and terrorism AGAINST Israel. They, ideally should not even be in the country (they have 22 lovely moslem countries to choose from where they would feel much more at home, they should NOT have citizenship, and they definitely should NOT be allowed representation in the Knesset.

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