IDF Intelligence: It May be Too Late Regarding Iran

iranh1.jpgBriefing cabinet ministers at the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, Chief of IDF Intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin reports that Israel is too late; explaining Iran has crossed the “technology threshold” and now, it is just a matter of time until Tehran combines its technology and with desire to build and atom bomb. Yadlin added that while the world is talking sanctions and diplomacy, Iran continues to accumulate poor quality enriched uranium.

Yadlin explained that when Iran’s leaders make the decision to combine strategy and the desire to build an atom bomb, it will happen since everything else is already in place.

This is in line with recent statements released by America’s chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen (reported HERE on YWN), telling the media that Iran has an adequate supply of fissile material to build an atomic bomb. 

The military chief explained that Iran is pleased with the new American administration, which favors dialogue, hoping to take advantage of the time to create another window of opportunity to continue advancing towards the construction of a bomb.

The International Atomic Energy Agency reports Iran has already enriched 1,010kg (2,222 lbs) of low grade enriched uranium which the experts state is close to enough to assemble the 25kg (55 lbs) of high quality enriched uranium that would be necessary for the construction of an atom bomb. The IAEA expects report that 1,500kg low quality uranium is the amount need to build a bomb.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. The Chosen One’s policy of Kumbaya will turn this planet into a parking lot that glows green in the dark, chas v’shalom. Every Jew who voted for this naif can give himself/herself a hartzige yasher koach!

  2. I am getting dizzy from looking at all of the upside down pictures. I didn’t even have a drink yet! (Hickup!)

    Let’s pray that the rosho from Iran gets coming to him like Haman did and all of the enemies of the Jews. Amen!

  3. As much as most of us liked Bush, the reality is that, basically under his clock Iran became a nuclear power. For all his talk that it won’t be tolerated, unfortunately it was.

    Iran is now lucky enough to have an arrogant USA leader who believes that his golden tongue can convince the evil to repent. But as much as we realize that Obama is dreaming – the reality is that, the majority of this is due to the inaction of Bush.

  4. …That’s why all Klal Yisrael has the minhag to fast on the 13th of adar and it’s called Taanis Esther, for we should remember that Hashem Yisbarach sees and listen every person in times of distress when they’ll fast and return to Hashem with all their hearts – like He did in Those days.
    -Mishna Berurah

  5. #4 I suspect it happened earlier than that. I suspect Iran got some Soviet nukes in the early ’90s, and has been holding that over America’s head ever since.

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