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Shalom’s Political Protest Purim Party

Silvan Shalom on Sunday took part in a Purim event including his supporters, which in essence served as a vehicle of protest after learning it is most unlikely that he will serve in the new coalition as the nation’s foreign minister; a position that appears will be held by Yisrael Beitenu’s Avigdor Lieberman.

Shalom stated that it was Likud that won the election and as such, the party should lead the nation, heading the major policy decisions, visibly perturbed by the news he will not receive his former senior post. Shalom accuses party leader Netanyahu of betraying Likud’s agenda by handing too many senior cabinet posts to other parties.

Close associates of Shalom indicate that the incoming prime minister has not offered him another cabinet post as they wait and see how the new cabinet shapes up. There is also talk of Shalom boycotting the new cabinet in an act of protest, opting to refuse any position, becoming the party’s internal opposition.

About 600 Likud activists and faction members attended the Ramat Gan event. Despite the seemingly impressive number, Shalom no longer wields the clout he once did in the party and Netanyahu by most accounts is not overly concerned over his show of opposition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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