AG Decides to Indict Former President Katsav

katsav.jpgAttorney General Menachem Mazuz and State Prosecutor Moshe Lador have decided to move ahead with a harsh criminal indictment against former President Moshe Katsav, with the charges including his alleged unacceptable actions as well as interfering with the police investigation against him.

The indictment is expected in the coming days, in the district court, with the state indicating it hasn’t yet decided if the case will be filed in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.

An indictment comes over two years after the allegations broke against Katsav, who in July 2007 was compelled to resign from offices due to case unfolding against him. A number of female employees filed complaints against Katsav, leading to the investigation against him. The actual illegal actions by the former president date back to his term as president as well as tourism minister, referring to alleged illegal actions some ten years ago.

In Katsav’s hometown of Kiryat Malachi, he enjoys much support and most residents interviewed are certain their number one citizen will be cleared of all the charges against him. Katsav some time ago rejected a plea bargain agreement, stating he was aware he may as a result face criminal charges but he insisted he welcomed such an opportunity to prove his innocence and clear his name.

One of the members of the Katsav defense team on Monday morning stated the evidence gathered against his client during recent months does not amount to a solid case, stating that the Jerusalem Prosecutor’s Office and many others in the legal system did not wish to move ahead with an indictment, aware they lacked the solid evidence for a conviction.

Following the official announcement that an indictment will be filed in the coming days, an official statement is expected from the former president, perhaps even today, Monday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Former President Katsav is a Shomer Torah UMitzvos; those who know him say he is an Ehrliche Yid. Because of discrimination against Persian Jews like him (he was born in Iran) and because his secular Israeli enemies are seeking revenge, many believe that the charges against him are fabricated.

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