Former IDF Chief on Operation Cast Lead

Former chief of military intelligence, Shlomo Gazit, told Kol Chai Radio on erev Shabbos that from a military point of view, Operation Cast Lead may be seen as a success. The former senior officer had words of praise regarding the military’s performance, but added from a diplomatic and strategic perspective, the outcome was not favorable to Israel.

Gazit stated for one thing, IDF forces should not have been pulled out of Gaza until a deal was signed with Hamas, a ceasefire agreement that met Israel’s demands, a ceasefire that included the release of Gilad Shalit.

Gazit went on to explain that once the government ordered the troop withdrawal, the military advantage was lost, and today, we find ourselves in a difficult position vis-à-vis the international diplomatic community and facing renewed daily rocket attacks.

When asked if IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi acted appropriately, Gazit explained the military commander does not have the privilege of acting on his military consideration alone, but ultimately, he is compelled to adhere to the directives of the government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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