Barak: Labor Heading for Opposition

barak2.jpgAccording to Friday morning reports, Labor Party leader Ehud Barak is leaning towards opposition, despite reports earlier in the week that he is working on closing a deal with incoming Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

According to statements made to senior party leaders on Thursday night, he still hasn’t received any offer that he cannot refuse and at present, it appears Labor will indeed take ups its place among the opposition. Barak added that it appears Labor cannot be part of a coalition that includes Avigdor Lieberman, who in some indirect capacity will have a major role on the nation’s judicial system and its law-enforcement agencies.

Senior party official told a kibbutz audience that moving to opposition is not a repulsive act, but the result of the election, adding it is quite elementary, “when you win, you go to the government. When you lose, you head for the opposition.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. If Netanyahu needs a defense minister with military experience, let him convince former army Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz to jum,p from Kadima to Likud.

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