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OP/ED: After All, It’s Always L’Shem Shamayim

degel1.jpgOne can only look on and cry, seeing the behavior of the MKs from Yahadut HaTorah. Of course, any criticism is met with an angry response, justifying the insistence of all involved regarding their mission, since the Ashkenazi chareidi MKs will all explain that it hasn’t anything to do with pride, ego, power, or advancing a career, but it’s “L’shem Shamayim”.

One can only look on in amazement as the secular parties, the dati leumi parties and Shas, the Sephardic chareidi party, all seem to wash their dirty laundry more or less privately, but Yahadut HaTorah seems to have a different approach. Sadly, one would also expect this party to shine an example on the primarily secular Knesset, but it appears to fall very short of doing so.

The battle over the chair of the Knesset Finance Committee has reached a new level, and even Binyamin Netanyahu appears unwilling to step in, telling the parties involved to “work it out” and he will accept the decision.

R’ Yaakov Litzman, of the Agudah faction and the representative of the Gerre Rebbe Shlita explains that all are in agreement, that he has done a splendid job in the position in the past, and is qualified to do so again in the future. He also explains that the Rebbe’s position is that he may not accept a ministerial or deputy ministerial post and therefore, it is the committee chair or nothing.

Degel HaTorah’s R’ Moshe Gafne exhibits an equal measure of flexibility, explaining the Gedolei HaDor Shlita that he represents insist he holds the post and therefore, it is this or nothing. Undoubtedly, the inability of the two factions to work towards a common goal will be highlighted before a decision is made, but when asked, each will tell you that at the end of the day, it’s all L’shem shamayim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Being “L’shem shamayim” however, is not a guarantee of efficiency, political effectiveness, or economic viability.

    If someone is going from Boro Park to Flatbush to do a mitzvah, we should never criticize him for doing a mitzvah. We are free to question if taking a bus to Williamsburg, followed by a car service to Manhattan, follwed by the subway to Flatbush was really the best way to go about getting there.

    All of the frum parties, including for the most part the religious zionists along with the hareidi parties, have similar visions for Eretz Yisrael. It’s getting there which seems to be a problem.

  2. Awesome article. I’m yeshivish/Chareidi and I’m always embarrassed by the cheap politicking and the chillul hashem that goes on. L’sheim shamayim my foot.

  3. What a shame.

    Had they run as two parties they would have gotten 4+3=7 seats because so many didn’t want to vote for this side or that.

    (The only thing I fear is if they do split into two parties, each of the parties would have their internal stuggles.)

  4. I am not coming to be motzdik them actually this is exactly why I didn’t vote for them this time. But to compare them to the other parties is not fare because in Yahadut HaTorah everybody is representing a complete different religion (Litfish, Gerr, Belz, Shomri Emunim……). But the other parties like Shas they are all from one group.

  5. as a Litvak, i should have voted gimmel, but since i have seen the MK squabling like kids, i gave my vote to Shas

    Babies need a Ganenet
    wonder why Bibi doesnt want the job!

  6. The NRP broke up over egos.
    Likud broke up, half going to Kadima.
    Shinui broke up.

    What’s news that politicians fight internally? Sure they should be better. But they are politicians.

  7. #5 Barlev – I did the same, and also voted Shas for exactly the same reasons.

    Gimmel are an embarrassment to Jews everywhere.

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